Like father like son
The way things are going, the nursery will soon have to buy a new accident book. For the second day running James has come home with an injury - evidenced by the blood smeared all over his top. Today he fell head first into the toy box and bashed his mouth. He's now fully recovered and very pleased with the little red car that he found in his party bag from nursery.
A double dunkingOn Sunday 10th December, James and I were baptised. James delighted the congregation with his winning smile and loved being the centre of attention. It was great to have so many friends to support us on this memorable day. Photos to follow...
Cake and carols
Today we went to a carol service for very small people at our church. James had a great time with his hareem from babies club. Here he is with Agnes tucking into a plateful of biscuits, crisps and mince pies.
This time last year...
...James was in here and due to arrive in the world. Little did I know that I had another ten days to wait.

This is James after his bath today, one year later, showing off the size of his tummy.
Baby walking
Over the last couple of days James had been charging around the place with great confidence using his baby walker. The happy face lasts only until he drives into something that won't budge, and then his world comes to an end.
From here to maternity
Today was Charlotte's last day at work. Here she is surrounded by balloons and baby things strung from the ceiling in the office. I hope you get a decent break before the happy event Lotty! We will all miss you lots, but especially me.
Today at Grandma and Grandpa's I made a discovery. I think God must have designed fingers especially for noses as mine fits up there perfectly.
My first week at nursery
I went to nursery this week for the first time. On Thursday and Friday I stayed all day and this is what I made. On my first day I did hand and foot painting and made this book so that mummy and daddy can read what I do each day. Yesterday I did a nice picture for mummy with crayons, and I made a poppy from card and tissue paper.
Sunday lunch
After a delicious sunday lunch at Jon and Hannah's, we all went for a stroll up Gummers How ...actually, for Daniel and Chris it was more of a spin.