Bog standard
...latest update - it would appear that toilet seat number 5 had a scratch on, so it too went back to the shop. We are now back to original toilet seat and Lou has concocted "plan B" which is to paint said toilet seat along with bath pannel, skirting, shelving etc as part of an overall bathroom makeover. Let's hope the choice of paint colour is sightly more straightforward - something tells me that may be wishful thinking...
Lou's Loo
Well, we are now on our 5th toilet seat in 2 days. Lou has found a new hobbie of interior design but seemed to have forgotten the design bit when she went to buy a new toilet seat for the revamped bathroom, not once but...well the rest is history. Made James and me laugh alot.
A visit from Sarah and Ryan
Today we played with the Kitto and her gorgeous two year old, Ryan. Sarah is blooming at 32 weeks pregnant. Lovely to see you both - look forward to seeing you again soon!
Easter Sunday Baptism

Congratulations to young Zachary James Heskins on his baptism. Here he is all ready for bed with his proud parents and godparents.
..More cuddles with Julie
After a long walk in the rain, James has a nice cuddle with Auntie Julie before bed.
Cuddles with Claire
Thank you Claire for giving me cuddles, especially after I'd had my jabs today, it was good. Hope to see you soon for some more.
Look at me!
I went to the clinic yesterday and I now weigh 13lb 10oz. I have just started wearing my 3-6 months collection. Thank you for my lovely new outfit cousin Sarah - don't I look cute in it?!
Keeping up with the O'BriensToday Mab looked after James so that I could get out in the garden. Look, we have transformed the garden in one afternoon!
The Corney Clan return to native Kent

James met his climbing pal Jonathan for the first time today. Jonathan demonstrated his mantle shelf technique on the coffee table. We were all very impressed.
Thanks for stopping by - it was great to see you all!