Happy Birthday Grandma!
I know it's a couple of days late, but I'm only a baby and not very good at remembering things yet. If I take after my parents, I probably never will be any good at remembering things.
Look at me reading my book! Mummy and Daddy say I'm very advanced for my age.
Skinny ribs
At today's weigh-in James had put on the grand total of 1/2 oz in the last month! Hardly surprising since he is so much more interested in playing than food!
Coco the clown
No this isn't James getting carried away with the lipstick, this is his first encounter with beetroot (mixed with avocado, cucumber, tomato, apple and yoghurt - not that you would notice).
A day out in Windsor
We had a lovely day visiting Julie on Sunday. Here we all are feeding the swans and having a walk around the Queen's back yard.