My favourite things at the moment are blueberries, emptying mummy's tupperware cupboard, and playing with the telephone.
"Aye yaa, row row row, rah rah rah"
..and today I discovered beer.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Mab has been my masterchef over the last week as I have been a little lacking in energy. I have to say I have been pleasantly surprised at his abilities - he has cooked curry for the first time, pasta and chicken, and tonight cooked a delicious casserole. All have been great successes ...that is with one small exception - the humble jacket potato. This is the scene that I met with in the kitchen after hearing a loud bang followed by the dejected cry, "it's empty".
Friday, February 16, 2007
We're back
Normal blogging has now resumed after a few weeks of illness. All three of us have had colds, which for Mark and I were followed with tonsillitis, and after a couple of days of reasonable health James and I went down with yet another cold. We are now all on the road to recovery, hopefully with no more mornings like this for a while.
A second layer of snow arrived on 8th Feb. It was very pretty while it lasted, but disappointingly that wasn't long - it melted by the end of the day.
James is learning to use a proper cup without the lid! First of all we tried water, but fruit smoothie proved to be a much better option due to its much slower passage from the bottom of the cup to the mouth.
Look who's standing on the windowsill!
Walking is still quite sporadic as crawling remains the quicker option. Here he is enjoying a walk with the help of Grandma and Grandpa