This morning we had a tumble down shed, this evening we have a pile of ashes. Maisie, having missed our wood burner this winter, made the most of this one.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
"My Auntie Jill's really lovely..."
This was James's verdict today at the playground, whilst busying away in the sandpit. I almost wept, what a sweet boy.
We have enjoyed you coming to visit Auntie Jill, please come again soon and stay longer. 50 years would be nice.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Me and my sis
Hurray, Jill is here! We owe this short visit to Liz who is getting married on Saturday.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy Easter
Enjoying a very happy Easter at Grandma and Grandpa's, with cousins Daniel and Bethan, and neighbour Anwen.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
On the farm
We took a trip to see Auntie Daphne and co, down at the farm. We looked at the cows, sat in a tractor, and hunted for easter eggs, which the easter bunny had cleverly laid on at a moments notice.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Down to Dymchurch
Yesterday we spent a lovely day at the seaside with Nanna. After a fish and chip lunch we took the train down to Dymchurch for a quick play in the sand before heading back for Grandpa's birthday tea. It was a day full of fun and treats, and James especially was thoroughly spoiled. How lovely it must be to be three.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Extreme Digging
James learned an important lesson today... do not dig on top of a mountain of mud with stinging nettles at the bottom. Good job the HSE weren't around.
This evening cousin Jane came over with a big pile of dung for our vegetable patch.
James stayed up an hour beyond his bedtime to enjoy a late night tractor ride. What fun!
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Poxy children
James and Jennifer have been suffering from chicken pox over the past week. James has fared very well through it but poor Jennifer has taken it badly. Today was an improvement on yesterday and we even saw a few smiles at bathtime. Hopefully we have turned the corner.