James and Jennifer took a trip to auntie Daphne's this weekend to see their new arrivals.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Tractor rides
We have been missing Mab this summer, and since he seems to spend most of his time in tractors, we thought we would join him this lunchtime for a picnic and a few circuits round the field.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Bumper harvest
Despite doing very little maintenance to our vegetable plot, we have been completely self sufficient in vegetables over the summer and I am loving it. By the look of our potato and squash havest, we should be ok for the next few months too.
Haircuts all round!
and the first of many for the Juniper
Man make fire. Ug.
Despite the indian summer we have been enjoying, Mab can't wait for the cold weather. So for the last couple of nights we have had the stove on and the windows open.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Oh I do like to be beside the seaside...
After a lazy morning wondering what to do with the day, I threw the kids, and a few supplies into the car and headed for the seaside.
Rah Rah Rah!!!
Hur-rah for a night out on the town!
A highly sophisticated night out with Lis, Claire, Matt, smoked salmon sandwiches, chocolate cake, and a large dose of Beethoven. Bliss!
Wendy house
Jennifer was thrilled with her new wendy house at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Sadly she may have to share it with Grandpa's junk.. er I mean useful collectables. Sorry Jennifer, no more pole dancing for you.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
The Daveys
Oh what a glorious weekend. Mab was home, the sun was out and the Daveys came to stay. More weekends like this please! CAPTION COMPETITION: (click on photos to enlarge):