Thursday, August 31, 2006


Some of the happier memories of the weekend before James had his first sickness bug. Luckily groundsheets clean up a lot easier than carpets...

The gorgeous burgess boys in their coats and pjs

James's friend Molly comes over for the day

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Happy birthday to me

Here are a couple of recent piccies of my lovely little boy to make me happy on my birthday.

Eating his tea like a good boy

Having a cuddle with Grandpa

At Wisley with Julie

Demonstrating the burgess sleep gene on the lounge floor.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Ruth and Abigail

We had a lovely day yesterday with Ruth and Abigail.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside

Today we had a grand day out at Camber Sands with the O'Briens. The day started out cold and wet, but shortly after midday the sun came out and made for a very pleasant day.

James experienced his first paddle in the sea and chose an interesting stone from the beach to add to his toy collection.

Poor old Mabs was hard at work all day and we all wished he was with us to join in the silliness.
The caterpillar crawl

It's official, James is on the move! This morning just before our day trip to the beach, James was intent on diving into Andrew's tool box. I don't think the O'Briens need the sort of DIY capabilities that a Burgess can offer. Click picture to play movie.
Weekend Scrambling In The Lakes

After too long a break from the mountains the return was more than could have been hoped for. With 7 scrambles and a climb (and about 20 million biting midges) a toptastic time was had.
The rock face behind us is Pavey Ark and a great climb was had and we didn't get off the mountain till late. See for the route we took.

The next day we did the classic scramble of Pinnacle Ridge, one of the best scrambles I've done, but it's over far too quickly. This time there were no midges and I even managed not to spill the hot chocolate over Dr Batt when we celebrated finishing the scrambling.

The first day was spent scrambling in the Coniston fells and young Daniel managed his first scramble.

Thanks to Jon, Han and Dan for putting up with us and coming out to play.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

New toys, new tricks

The camera took a trip up to Cumbria (with Mab) just as James had learnt some new tricks and some new toys had arrived for us to play with. Normal blogging has now resumed! Just as the weather cooled down, the paddling pool we ordered arrived. It's still fun without the water, especially with a hundred and fifty four coloured balls to play with - Maisie is quite envious!

Amongst his many new tricks James has learnt to drink from his cup all by himself. He can also sit up, shuffle forwards (the knee action is not quite worthy of

the term "crawling" yet), wave bye bye, and poo on his potty ...but he hasn't yet figured out how to hold the cup the right way up.