Tuesday, March 26, 2019

World Book Day 2019

Final world book day for Jenny at primary school.  Enter stage left, Professor Dolores Umbridge.

Friday, March 08, 2019

Les Houches 2019

It's been 14 years since we last skied, but it all came flooding back in no time.  By the end of the week we were all (kids included) skiing the Kadahar black run.  James attempted the steep bit at the top three times, but having failed to stay upright beyond the first turn, it's a challenge that will have to keep for another year.  That boy has guts!  Great holiday, thank you Laneses for organising such an awesome adventure!

Happy Birthday Jenny!

11 years ago, this amazing little girl entered the world.  Happy birthday Jenny, 11 years on you still melt my heart.  If anyone wants to know, the poo was James's idea.

Welcome Scout

By the grace of God, in life's darkest moments, somehow the light manages to find a way in.  In the midst of the sadness of Mum's illness we learned of some unexpected cocker spaniel puppies needing homes.  With the mayhem of life travelling to and from hospital in London every couple of days, it seemed like the worst possible time to add yet another layer of complexity to our crazy lives.  But on a different day, viewed in a different light, it suddenly seemed like the best possible timing.  So we decided to give a puppy a home, and some eight weeks later, Scout joined our family.

Return to Surfers' Paradise

Surfing is one of the most freeing and life affirming things I have ever done.  Just you, your board and the waves.  Nothing else exists in the world.  Truly living in the moment.  Loved this trip.