Friday, July 27, 2018

The Burgess Festival

We enjoyed our little camping adventure with the Wallises and MacKay Gibbs so much, that we decided to do it all over again with the Lesters, Laneses and Finches!  This time followed up with a refreshing morning swim in our favourite lake - well done Emily for braving your first dip in murky waters!

Fraternising with the Enemy

Despite the fact that these creatures munch their way through everything I try to grow, flower or vegetable, and terrorise my chickens into an early menopause, their fluffy cuteness is their greatest weapon.  Sadly this little rabbit was 'played with' by Pippa before it was cuddled to sleep by Jenny.  The baby rats we found by the tree house fared better, escaping with just a quick cuddle from James before being poked back into their hole in the ground.  That is until postman Dave next visits with his big tub of blue rat cake.

Camping at Sunnyside

Summer time is for spending outdoors with friends, eating good food and having fun.  A lovely weekend spent with the Wallises and MacKay Gibbs camping in our garden.  Happy days!