Saturday, September 30, 2006

Fun day in the park

Today we went to the park to visit the cows, play on the new swings, forage for conkers, quack at the ducks, look for the Kingfisher and enjoy the good weather.

Once home the Conker Conquest began and so far I've been accused of cheating, supplying duff conkers, damaging said conkers on transit from field to home, hitting too hard and spending far too much time playing instead of doing "jobs"...guess who's winning?

Friday, September 29, 2006


It's been a while since we blogged a cute picture of James in the bath, so here he is having the avocado removed from his hair.
Masterchef Mabs

It was apparent last night that my husband had been watching celebrity masterchef when this delightful feast emerged from the kitchen. Somewhat haphazard presentation, but it tasted nice.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


With just seven weeks to go before I return to work, I thought it was time we began to wean James onto formula milk. Today he drank 2 oz of formula from his sippy cup. Not the most satisfying drink, but it's a start!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Last of the summer walks

It has been unseasonally warm for September and we have been enjoying some lovely late summer walks over the downs.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Last night we had a big storm.

Poor old Maisie was not happy. She decided that the safest place to be was on the bottom shelf of the bookcase. No amount of coaxing would remove her from this little hidy hole.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Happy birthday Zachary!

Congratulations to young cousin Zachary who was one year old yesterday. We had a lovely time at his birthday party on Sunday.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Bouncing baby

James is now a bouncing nine month old. He enjoys nothing better than to stand up in his cot, holding onto the side, and bounce up and down. Standing up is a dangerous business. So far he has suffered a few knocks and a fat lip. Being a Burgess I expect there is much, much worse to come...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The aftermath of today's lunch

As we started lunch today, I thought how easy it would be if James could feed himself instead of me spending ages spooning puree into a stubborn mouth pretending to be a train, aeroplane or using a spoonful of pudding as bribery.

That was until this happened...
And now for my next trick

My cousin appears to be hogging all the limelight because he has just started to walk, so I thought I would impress you all with
my latest tricks.

standing up

feeding myself

hide and seek