Saturday, December 18, 2010

Happy Birthday James

12th December was a fabulous day with two friends for a "party" followed by visits by grandparents and godparents, not to mention mountains of presents. James went to bed a thoroughly exhausted but happy 5 year old.
Congratulations Mr and Mrs Davies!

What a wonderful day! Lucy was stunningly beautiful and radiantly happy on her wedding day. Happy, happy day.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

About the woodland I will go,
to see the cherry hung with snow.

Some pictures from yesterday's walk

Siberian Sunnyside

James I'm sure has Eskimo blood in him as he is always wanting to play in the snow....don't know where he gets it from. Here's some fun from the last few days.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

The Snow Slide Returns!

One year on (almost), the snow slide has returned. Let the action commence... (see facebook for a better quality version)

December snow

After about 24 hours of constant snow (and it's still coming down), we now have around a foot. Yesterday James's school was open much to his disgust, but to add insult to injury, my school was shut so I got a snow day and he didn't. But today we were both out enjoying the snow. Despite not setting out until 11.30 Maisie and I made the first footprints on the Big Wood Walk.