Thursday, May 24, 2012

Perch Hill

Today I treated myself to my first trip to Perch Hill to see how the professionals do things. 
The alliums, aquilegias and euphorbias were quite spectacular, and even though in their final flush, the tulips added a splash of vibrant colour.  I love the look of the front of the house, the missing tiles, the black plastic protecting the house from the

Perch Hill Farm House
elements and old wooden window frames desperately in need of a paint job, reminds me of our dear old Sunnyside.  This is the reality of living the dream!  The box balls and yew cones have a slightly naughty, wayward look about them.  It's as if the beautiful Sussex countryside is trying hard to reclaim this place.  I rather like it here.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The shed base

This weekend, we put the kids to work laying the concrete base for the shed, under the watchful eye of Ron.
But to give credit where it's due, Mab and Brian helped a bit.  Austin, determined not to be left out, also lent a helping paw (spot the prints).  Well done chaps, good job!


 The letter box babies finally fledged at the weekend - here they are just before leaving the nest, now nicely covered in feathers having been fed and nurtured by their very attentive parents over the last three weeks.  Sadly one of the four didn't make it but we wish the other three well, and hope they come back and have more babies in our letterbox one day.
Meanwhile, there is more nesting action going on in the old outside loo, these beautiful little blue eggs belong to a blackbird, so watch this space - we will be checking on their progress over the next few weeks.
And also here, inside the Christmas wreath stored in Tim and Christine's shed, this little nest is like a down sleeping bag, lined with lots and lots of tiny feathers, so I'm guessing this belongs to a long tailed tit. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The great tits return

It's two years since they were last here, but this year we have been blessed once more with baby great tits in our letter box.  These gorgeous litte birds hatched just a couple of days before this photo was taken.  It's hard to believe they will be ready to fly away in just three weeks.