Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Canoeing in the wilds of Canada

Day 1-Going on a Moose Hunt.

After driving way North into the Canadian tundra and then building our canoes, we eventually found the lake and the mosquitoes. Our mission was to lose the mosquitoes, find the moose (and campsites) and avoid any bear hugs. The weather at this moment in time was fairly good but the weight of my rucksack was disappointing but at least I had the food and some wine.

Canoeing in perfect tranquility.

Canoeing Canadian style. On the shorter portages the canoes were carried at the same time (not by me but my yak -Gilbert).

Campsite for the 1st night. By now the wind had increased big time and the temp had dropped but at least the mossies had disappeared. Morning came around far too quickly with the sound of rain hitting the tent and the prospect of a tough day ahead.

1 comment:

Jill said...

So this is how your survival weekend compared to ours. Ten Moosketeers on a moose hunt becoming moosquito food... perhaps staying home with three babies was not such an ordeal after all. Great pictures. Moost impressed.