Sunday, November 02, 2008

So close...

Well, after a long wait we finally made a start on the sewerage arra
ngements for Sunnyside. A great big hole was dug, into which our nuclear missile was lowered, cemented and backfilled.

Trenches were dug, into which the pipes were installed and covered with pea gravel. Everything was going so well.

And then the rain came.
It rained all day long, and all night long.

This is the scene which greeted Mab this morning. One of the trenches has collapsed and become filled with water and the pipes have risen up. A rescue operation has been launched and will continue tomorrow. However, we are disappointed with the setback and our moving in date has been postponed... again.


Bex said...

Oh gosh...hang in there guys it's nearly D-day :)
When you get settled in we will come down to visit you all with the Big G.


Lou said...

Look forward to it - bring wellies!

Anonymous said...

Cheer up chaps! Almost there now, ready for the final push, then it's what ho! and over the top we go! Mighty fine holes you've been digging there, have to watch out for the rats and the trench foot with all that water. Now, off to stick my underpants on my head, thrust a pencil up each nostril, and mutter the magic word...

Lou said...
