Monday, March 30, 2009

The Pox

It was only a matter of time. Chicken pox has been going around at nursery and this morning it was James's turn to play host to the virus. Apart from a few spots and being off his food, he is showing no adverse side effects and was today happily enjoying a sneaky go on Christopher and Emma's trampoline while they are on holiday.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Good Life

I have been getting to know our local dog walkers thanks to the hours spent digging the vegetable beds at the end of our garden near

the footpath. Today we planted our first early potatoes. We were feeling the pressure as Ron had his in a fortnight ago.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Beautiful spring day

I don't know what I was thinking when I agreed to go into work on a Wednesday, but this morning's training course was so deathly dull that I escaped after an hour and came back home to enjoy the rest of the day with Mab and the children in the garden. Thanks to Christine, James and Jennifer are the proud new owners of this fab tent. Jennifer's crazy hair went all static making her look like a rugrat.

James insisted on a game of hide and seek in his new tent, which, needless to say was a very short game. In between playing in the tent, eating a picnic lunch, climbing trees and playing in the dirt, Mab managed to mow the lawn and split a few logs and I cleared a patch of brambles and overgrown holly. One step at a time our garden is being tamed.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Great Escape

This afternoon our lounge became an impressive network of tunnels. James and Jennifer had great fun playing with Christopher and Emma, and only the prospect of sausages for tea would tear James away from the fun.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Jennifer took her first few steps unaided a couple of weeks ago, and she has been working on her technique ever since. Today I managed to capture the first proper footage of her toddling. My baby girl is growing up.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Spring has sprung

We had a glorious day in the garden yesterday, and with the help of the Burgess seniors we have begun to dig our vegetable patch and cleared out the greenhouse in preparation for seed sowing. Before you start feeling impressed, this is Ron's garden. We can only aspire to such greatness.