Monday, May 18, 2009

Our children

Having had a week off work with the most persistent tummy bug I've ever had, I have spent a lot of time on the computer. Whilst browsing around I came across a link in my cousin's blog to the blog of her very good friend Larisa, an incredibly talented photographer.

I was totally awestruck by some of the shots of her son, and have been inspired to have a go. My efforts on the point-and-shoot (with a little added help

from iphotos) pale in comparison, but any kind of imitation, no matter how inadequate, is the sincerest form of flattery.


AOB said...

Lovely photos, Louby. The light in that room's great, but really, I think it's the skill of the photographer... (never seen James look so peaceful. Butter wouldn't melt!)

Ivor said...

you're putting us to shame... Hope you are feeling better?